
Based on individual analysis done on each client, we determine whether a college education or vocational training is the best path after high school graduation. If we determine that college admission is feasible, we will work on improving their resume as well as guiding the client through their application process (including financial aid)


We offer an academic tutoring option to students in order to improve their chances of achieving college admission.

Group Support

We are organizing a community of our clients so that they can help each other by sharing both struggles and accomplishments. We hold periodic meetings in which motivational speakers will give speeches to inspire our clients to get through the college application process.

Since 1993


Each year, many young high school students who have spent their entire lives training for a collegiate athletic scholarship are left without offers. There are many college counseling services available to these athletes, but the best counseling programs are expensive and selective while the affordable counseling services are limited in their assistance. Our goal is to provide athletes without offers the guidance necessary to navigate through their predicament by offering counseling, tutoring, and group support.

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